She Is A Girl And So What?

Chidinma Chisom Unigwe
3 min readJul 5, 2019

She deserves to live without all the restrictions the society places on her. No, she should not be made to think less of herself or reduced to a point where she lives her life to please men.

Often times, the society places too many rules on the girl child with little or no attention to their male counterparts. Little wonder the society is filled with badly behaved men.

Once she is 18, she can't escape the 'when are you inviting us' question which all boils down to marriage expectations whether her dreams are as beautiful as a castle and her goals as big as an overfed elephant.

She is expected to conduct herself in a manner that makes her 'likeable' and 'findable' by man, after all men are the 'finders' while women are the 'found' or the 'findees' whatever that means.

Hence, she should not talk loudly in public or wear clothes that are suggestive of a prostitute. She must have committed the greatest crime of all time if her panties mistakenly rear its 'ugly' head from her skirts or pants. Yet men are allowed to blind us with sights of even the dirtiest boxers briefs, after all it is fashionable to do so, isn’t it?

It is a sheer abomination for her to talk about sex or men. But men can sit all day and brag about their sexual prowess and even objectify the female sex organs.

She is cowered to swallow her rape experience or sour encounter with the Male folks and keeps calm like all is well because of the accompanying stigma that comes with doing otherwise.

Such boys are hailed as strong while a girl is a whore or a prostitute if she ever dares to go close to a man who hasn't paid her bride price.

Oh! She is a girl and will get pregnant and have kids someday. But it doesn’t end at that, she has to snap back to her 'figure 8' self immediately afterwards else her husband cheats. You know what they say about men being promiscuous in nature right? Perhaps promiscuity comes factory-fitted to species with phallus. The male folks probably have a monopoly of cheating from the societal rules, yeah? Lucky them!

Yes! She is a girl and must desist from arguing because it is 'unlady-like' to do so. I guess her male counterparts have a better shot at being stubborn and arguing over the littlest of things.

Can we let the girl child spread her legs and let the breeze in when she feels like it, just like her male counterparts?

Can we let the girl child live without all the unnecessary rules we impose on her?

Can we strive to raise girls whose self-confidence would not be bruised by societal rules and pressures?

Can she just be allowed to live?

Can we?

But she is a girl? And so what?

Let her live! She is human too!



Chidinma Chisom Unigwe

Writer with a difference|| Public Relations Executive || Journalist || UNIQUE || Observant as the sky.