Chidinma Chisom Unigwe
2 min readDec 1, 2019

When Abnormal Seems Even More Normal.

“I need to show my kids what normal looks like…”

This phrase spurred my thoughts on how we glorify abnormality because we can’t seem to find normal in Nigeria. More like we are playing to the gallery of "if the desired is not available then the available becomes the desired" axiom. We are doomed!Personally, I feel that ABNORMAL is the new normal in Nigeria. Or how do we explain the things that go on everyday in a nation glorified as the Giant of Africa. It is NOT normal to be stuck in traffic for 2 hours on a 30 minutes commute. It is a sheer waste of man-hours and it NOT normal. It is NOT normal to litter roads with waste from edibles or whatever. Wastes belong in the bins and not roads. It is NOT normal to see cows block roads while cars are locked in a gridlock to avoid hitting or hurting any of them. Cows do not have a greater value than human beings, save they pay taxes that I am not aware of. It is NOT normal to scream ‘Up NEPA’ when PHCN restores power. It is NOT normal for people to die everyday for one flimsy reason or the other. It is NOT normal to hail someone as strong when s/he exhibits traits of violence and toxicity. It is NOT normal for a 59 year old to still wear diapers. It is NOT normal for young people often reverred as leaders of tomorrow to go to higher institutions and get paid peanuts in the name of salaries. It is NOT normal to ply roads laden with potholes and dodge them at will because this is Nigeria. Potholes deeper than the 6ft grave measurement. It is NOT normal to have uncovered manholes littered at every nook and cranny of a country’s capital city. It is NOT normal to see everything that become one, thanks to a raging fire that went from shop to house, like a wounded lion, confirming peoples fears and rudely devouring every thing like someone on a starvation diet. It is NOT normal to watch a rich man become poorer than a church rat because his goods and money which prior enriched him were totally razed down simply because there is no functional fire service in an entire state. It is NOT normal for people in public offices to divert funds meant for projects into his personal purses. Purses filled with money — bloody money gathered from people’s sweat. EVERYthing in Nigeria seems abnormal. Every damn thing! Now let me leave you with this question, albeit rhetorical. Is Nigeria normal?

Chidinma Chisom Unigwe

Writer with a difference|| Public Relations Executive || Journalist || UNIQUE || Observant as the sky.